Learn Arabic Words and Phrases: Family Members
Asmaa Akl
27 Nov 2019
The first words a child utters in his life are usually Mama or Papa. We are born surrounded by our family members; this is why learning to call them is essential. Usually we address our brothers and sisters by their names but grownups in the family usually have certain labels that we call them with. Later on in life we get to know the labels of our brothers and sisters. This is what we’ll be discussing in this article. We will learn Arabic words for family members.
In our syllabus we have developed animations in order to help you further learn Arabic words about family members. Let’s take a look at our characters for Mother أم, pronounced as Umm. If you want to say my mother in Arabic you say: أمي pronounces as Ummi:
The Arabic word for Father is أب, pronounced as Abb. If you want to say my father in Arabic, you say: أبي, pronounced as Abbi:
(An excerpt from Nour Academy's Interactive Arabic Course)
There are also the Arabic words for Brother أخ, pronounced as Akh. If you want to say my brother in Arabic, you say: أخي, pronounced as Akhi and finally Sister أخت pronounced as Ukht. If you want to say my sister in Arabic, you say:أختي, pronounced as Ukhti:
(An excerpt from Nour Academy's Interactive Arabic Course)
We have to learn more Arabic words to express different kinds of family members and relationships. For example, The Arabic words for Husband and Wife are زوج and زوجة (pronounced as Zawj and Zawja) respectively. Additionally, the Arabic words for My Husband زوجي, pronounced as Za`wji and My Wife زوجتي, pronounced as Zawjati:
Here is another sample exercise from our Arabic course:
(An excerpt from Nour Academy's Interactive Arabic Course)
If you have children you are a parent. The Arabic words for Daughter and Son are إبنة, pronounced as Ibnah and إبن, pronounced as Ibn. Here are some activities we compiled in order to help you understand these Arabic words:
(An excerpt from Nour Academy's Interactive Arabic Course)
This is a family tree in order to help you better understand these Arabic words:
(An excerpt from Nour Academy's Interactive Arabic Course)
For you to learn Arabic words and phrases we at Nour Academy developed a special syllabus heavily using animated characters, video links and activities to make learning Arabic online easier for the non Arabic speaker. Check our Learn Arabic online classes for a better Arabic learning experience. We hope this article helped you learn Arabic words in a fun way and brought you further towards your goal to learn Arabic. If you want to practice and learn more Arabic words, phrases and expressions, stay tuned for our next article in the series: Learn Arabic words and phrases.
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